November 26, 2009

Great Blog!

If you like drawings, sketches, illustration, new places or just nice pictures, this is a great blog. Urban features sketching artists from around the world, and it's great way to get a different perspectives on places all over the world from talented drawing artists. How about drawings of the sunset in LA, beaches in Brazil or a market place in Tokyo? Or a subway ride in Copenhagen?
They update very often as there are so many contributors who send in their work to their Flickr group. I find it really inspiring! ♥

Barcelona building by lapin barcelona.
Houses in Havana by Michael Gage.

This in particular made me really happy:

10-year old John Woolley. Amazing!


PlanetLumiere said...

wonderful introduction & love your blog!


PlanetLumiere said...
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Sum said...

I want to draw something like these! I'm glad I've found inspiration today.

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